Duct Mounted Ozone Generator Systems. Manufactured by OTTPL, Nagpur, India

OTTPL is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Duct Mounted Ozone Generator systems. Our Ozone Generators are Plate Type, Corona Discharge Ozone Generators, that can help you in improving IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) in Offices, Hotels, Public Spaces and Commercial Spaces. Using a Duct Mounted Ozone Generator System is the best and most cost effective way to eliminate and reduce Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), Odor and Smoke in indoor environment, and improve the overall IAQ.

We manufacture Plate Type, Corona Discharge, Duct Mounted Ozone Generators, as part of our Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Treatment System.

Duct Mounted Ozone Generator Systems. Manufactured by OTTPL, Nagpur, India

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HVAC Ducts, Cooling Coils and Air Filters are the main source of propagation of microbial organisms, bacteria, viruses and odor in indoor environments. Our Duct Mounted, Plate Type, Ozone  Generator Systems can help in VOC reduction and elimination, by oxidation of VOC using ozone. Depletion of microbial colonies is achieved by inhibiting their growth and propagation.

Principle of Application

In modern buildings, use of synthetic products is very high. Examples are carpets, curtains, paint, furniture, detergents, cigarette & smoke,from these, there is a continuous emission of toxic gases such as formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, naphtha & xylene. Many of these are carcinogens. These are called VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC)

Continuous exposure (even in low concentration) causes allergies, disorder of upper respiratory tracts, asthma, nasal congestion and itchy eyes, irritation and reduced concentration, collectively called SICK BUILDING SYNDROME (SBS). Other irritants are food odour, body odour, pet odor, microbial contaminants & fungi. All these are hydrocarbons or organic gases, which contain carbon & hydrogen. Most of these are oxidizable and get oxidized to CO2 and water vapor.

Humans generate CO2. CO2 is not a VOC / toxic/ carcinogen, nor it is odorous. But, high level of CO2 in indoor air causes reduced concentration, fatigue & reduced tolerance irritability lethargy.

To reduce build up of VOC and CO2, fresh air is used. Oxygen in fresh air is an Oxidizing Agent. Oxidation reduces VOC level, odour and toxicity. CO2 cannot be oxidized, reduced, or filtered. To minimize CO2 build up it must be flushed with fresh air (i.e. Oxygen). Introducing Fresh air is very expensive in terms Capital Cost and operating Cost (Energy Cost). Approximately 75% of fresh air is used to oxidize VOC & pollutants. Only 25% is used to maintain CO2 levels below 1000 ppm.

Using Ozonized Air

Ozone is a very powerful oxidizing agent. It is more powerful than oxygen as an oxidizing agent. Ozone oxidizes indoor VOC, Toxic pollutants and Odor more readily and rapidly than Oxygen. Ozone interferes with the metabolism of cell multiplication of fungi, and completely kills and eliminates fungi over time.

Duct Mounted Ozone Generator Systems

Our Duct Mounted, Plate Type, Ozone Generator Systems are easiest, most cost-effective and best solution to eliminate VOC, Pollutants, Fungi and Odors from indoor environment. Our systems do not filter or deodorize the air, but in fact, oxidize the pollutants, and structurally change the chemical compounds. The by-product of this oxidization is Oxygen and moisture, which is entirely safe.

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Our systems are available in various sizes, depending on your needs. We offer customized solutions for:

  • Offices
  • Factories
  • Hospitals
  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Commercial Spaces
  • Large Residences
  • …and many more applications.

Our systems can be installed on AHU plenum, inside Ducts, outside Ducts or on the surface of ducts.

Model Range
  • VRS 2
  • VRS 3
  • VRS 5
  • VRS 6
  • VRS 8
  • VRS 10
  • VRS 12
  • VRS 16
  • VRS 20
Technical Specifications
  • Plate type Corona Discharge Ozone Generators
  • Compact, self contained units in 18 G SS316 L enclosures. Easy to install and replace
  • Sufficient stamped integral openings to allow adequate flow of air over the corona discharge plates
  • Repels accumulation and formation of sediments by tar, nicotine and grease.
  • Duct / Wall mounted
  • Suitable for indoor / outdoor installations
  • Can be electrically interlocked with the motor of the Air Handling Unit (AHU) fan, VOC / Co2 Sensor.
  • Power Supply 240V / 120 V, 50 Hz, 1 Phase.